Fikile Mbalula trolls MK Party, Zuma: ‘We’re fine without you’

Fikile Mbalula trolls MK Party, Zuma: ‘We’re fine without you’

Last laugh? NC SC Fikile Mbalula has mocked the MK Party, who have failed to secure enough seats to form a government.

The ANC Secretary-General has unashamedly poked fun at the MK Party and its leader, Jacob Zuma’s exclusion from the government of National Unity (GNU) and provincial unity government.

Despite getting over two million votes and earning 45% of the votes in KwaZulu-Natal, the party led by the former president has not secured enough seats to form a provincial government.

The GNU forms a coalition between the ANC, the Democratic Alliance (DA), the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), and the Patriotic Alliance (PA).


On Friday, members of parliament were sworn in at the National Assembly, of which the MK Party refused to participate in. This, after they accused the IEC of rigging their votes in the general elections last month.

Fikile Mbalula – who has been accused of mocking Zuma’s campaign trail and political ambitions – seemingly threw shade in the direction of the 82-year-old politician.

Without naming them, Fikile posted a meme of a man mocking his opposition. The man said: “You think we are not doing fine when you left us. We have news for you: we are doing fine.

“We are not going to suffer without you; we’re fine without you.”

In an ANC rally just days before the 29 May elections, Fikile Mbalula accused Jacob Zuma of being a “sellout” after he formed the rival party.

He said: “He left us in a mess…He started [the MK Party] that is set for trouble,”

“It has been formed to sell our revolution.”

In an interview with EWN, Jacob Zuma – who resigned as president in 2019 – spoke about his bid to “rescue the ANC.”

He also contested the election results, claiming that the MK Party had actually won “two-thirds” of the votes. He said: “The IEC took our votes and gave them to another party. That is not democracy. We’ve got evidence. That is why I charged them.”


Fikile Mbalula is no stranger to Twitter (now X) beefs with his fellow political comrades.

Apart from the MK Party leader Jacob Zuma, “Bra Fiks” has also had spats with the likes of

Julius Malema, Carl Niehaus, Mmusi Maimane, and Lindiwe Sisulu.

He has also had massive blowouts with celebs like Gareth Cliff, Robert Marawa, and Ntsiki Mazwai.

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