Hilarious Social Media Buzz: Man’s Unpaid Lobola Explanation.

Hilarious Social Media Buzz: Man’s Unpaid Lobola Explanation.

A man has the whole of Mzansi in stitches with his hilarious explanation for not paying Lobola after all these years.

Before cohabiting with a woman, it is customary in African culture for a man to pay Lobola. Despite the situation, many couples are opting for a more unconventional approach by choosing to “Vat n”Sit”—finding a partner and building a life together without the traditional formalities of marriage.

It caused quite a stir on social media when a man shared the hilarious reason behind his decision not to pay Lobola. In a rather amusing manner, he simply stated, “Her family did not remind me to pay Lobola.”

Some were saying the man is not serious about making his marriage official according to culture. Others mentioned that his reasoning is hilarious and strange at the same time. There’s a lot that people had to say; see more reactions down below.

@_TeeFitness: “Why did I have to see this 😂… I know this broer personally he’s from my hometown 😂”

@MollenthaM: “South africa is a toxic country yaz mara 🥺🤣🤣🤣💔😣why didn’t you remember to pay loyola kanti nawe??🤣”

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