House of Zwide: Zanele is pregnantand and she will reconsider term!nating her pregnancy after Zola finds out

House of Zwide: Zanele is pregnantand and she will reconsider term!nating her pregnancy after Zola finds out

TVSA teasers indicate that Zanele Zwide will find out her pregnancy in March 2024.Since Zola hasn’t been on our screen since abusing Zanele a few months ago, it’s possible that he is the baby’s father.

Zanele Zwide will find out she’s pregnant. Zola is the father of her child, as he’s the last person she slept with. Zanele will be having a hard time deciding whether to keep the pregnancy or abort it.

The teasers also reveal that her ex-boyfriend Sandile (Pavallo Mavundla) will take her to an abortion clinic as she might not want the baby.

Wednesday, 13 March teaser: “Zanele confirms her pregnancy after a second test, surprising Sandile.”

Thursday, 14 March teaser: “Zanele and Sandile discuss the pregnancy, with Sandile suggesting abortion.”

When Zanele finds out she is pregnant, Sandile will be her shoulder to cry on; he will support her and help with advice.On March 18, Zanele will reconsider terminating her pregnancy but Sandile will tell her to not rush the decision.

Zola will discover Zanele is pregnant after she told him, and he suspects the baby is his. Zola will try to reach out to Zanele and tell her that he wants to support her and raise the baby together.

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