‘It’s giving Zimbabwe’: Kgomotso Ndungane on Durban’s dirty streets

‘It’s giving Zimbabwe’: Kgomotso Ndungane on Durban’s dirty streets

‘We are watching a sinking ship here’: Kgomotso Ndungane expressed her frustration on the dirty streets of Durban.

South African Television personality Kgomotso Ndungane expressed her frustration with dirty Durban streets on 11 March.

Kgomotso remains one of the most popular TV personalities, with her role on The Real Housewives of Durban being a top job. Her relationship with the former Springboks player Odwa made her even more famous.

With so much popularity, Kgomotso lives in some of the top suburbs in Durban, but is not happy with the standards. Sharing on her Instagram, she expressed how much the standards have deteriorated, saying they would end up like Zimbabwe.

After showing a video of the dirty streets, she left even Jojo Robinson, shocked by the situation.

“Oh my worddddddd” Jojo responded.


Sharing, on Instagram, Kgomotso Ndungane expressed her frustration.

“CHAMPIONS – VOTE wisely!!! Nooffencee to anyone, but this is giving Zimbabwe – DIMINISHED CONFIDENCE in the GOVERNMENT!!!! Cry our beloved country. This is supposed to be a “Suburban area” close to an industrial site. Revolting!Appallingg! Disgusting! The Durban municipal refuse collection has been on strike fortwo2 weeks! This is NOT a city but a TRASH CAN! Anyonewhot knows Durba knows this is just off Rinaldo Road, towards the industrial park. Shocking!” she said.

“Ps: When I say it’s giving Zimbabwe, is the fact that this (and many other problems we are faced with in SA) has decreased/ or rather diminished our confidence in the government which is what happened to Zim and we are headed the same path. I am not lying. I am just stating a fact. We are watching a sinking ship here!” she finished.


With Kgomotso Ndungane expressing her frustration with Durban’s dirty streets, we looked at some of the initiatives done. According to IOL, the Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry embarked on a clean eThekwini Municipality.

They put a notice askingng members of the public to provide data regarding dirty streets. Despite the initiative starting in 2021, it seemed it did not work as intented, as there is still dirty in the streets.

Some people responded to Kgomotso’s post saying they had to make initiatives to dispose dirty themselves.

@Londy Precious Ndwandwe “Yoooooo I had to get someone to come and collect rubbish from my house because it’s been 2 weeks of no rubbish collection 😢”

@BC Business Branding 🎀 “After almost 10 years I visited Durban this weekend and it’s been terrible…everything has deteriorated soo badly 😢”

They claimed there was no collection for two weeks and that may have resulted in some people dumping in the streets.

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