WATCH: Zuma slammed over plans to banish pregnant teens to Robben Island

WATCH: Zuma slammed over plans to banish pregnant teens to Robben Island

Jacob Zuma has courted controversy after he claimed his MK Party will exile pregnant teenage girls to Robben Island.

Jacob Zuma – former South African president and now leader of party uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) Party – has promised to send teenage girls to Robben Island and reintroduce corporal punishment in schools, should his political party fare well in the general elections in May.

The 81-year-old spoke to a crowd of supporters in Maqongqo, outside Pietermaritzburg, over the weekend.


Speaking to the crowd, Zuma claimed his MK party would not allow teenage pregnancy to occur. Should it happen, young girls would be essentially exiled to Robben Island to complete their school education.

The girls would be separated from their communities.

“According to the law, a child should not give birth to a child. That’s not life. It’s a disease. We will end it,” he said.

Zuma did not mention what would happen to the babies born or the men who fathered them.

According to IOL, the former president will launch his party manifesto later this month. Details will be announced in the coming days.


During his address, Jacob Zuma also outlined more plans of the MK party’s vision for South Africa.

This included:

Reintroduce corporal punishment in schools.

Remove Roman-Dutch law from South Africa’s legal system.

He said: “We must be governed by the African law.”

Forbid children from reporting their parents to the police

“We were beaten when we were young. This law that says children should not be beaten, even though they are out of order, and also calls the police to report. Never,” he said.

Forcing young men to join the military

He said: “After Matric, young people, especially young men, will be required to do 12 months of military training. This is how we will defend the country and its people.”


Needless to say, the public had strong reactions to Zuma’s plans on teenage pregnancy.

Here’s what a few had to say on X

@Zack_here: “So the girl will be taken to Robben Island; what about the boy who made that girl pregnant?

@papi_911: “This is the reason why I keep saying no politician should be in office after 65 years. Senility will make you forget you contributed to current problems your country has.”

@rholm_charlene: “Talking about violating children’s rights.”

@Thabelo_Ngwenya: “What about the one who made her pregnant? So the girl child bears sole blame and punishment?”


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