
Dineo Langa is a sangoma in real life


Dineo Langa is a sangoma in real life

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Many South Africans were a bit surprised when they discovered that the Queen’s Kea Khoza is actually a sangoma.


Dineo Moeketsi  has a calling in addition to being a beauty queen and looking like Barbie. Her lover, who is also a sangoma, is also a sangoma. She appears to be someone who is focused on mastering her craft rather than on her spiritual side. Nonetheless, when she announced to the public that Dineo is a sangoma, she gave us our humble pie, and she is quite happy to be living up to her truth and being true.

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The couple, Solo and Dineo, said they knew from the first date that they gelled. The couple revealed that they later accepted their ancestral callings as sangomas, going through their individual journeys but as a couple.

Solo revealed that accepting his spiritual calling was a difficult decision, but from a young age he’s always known that he had a gift to explore.

Dineo shared that when she found out she had the calling, she had gone to consult about a totally different issue.

“For me, I had gone to check something totally separate. While that was addressed, then came this very heavy block of ‘Hey, you are gifted – fanele o yo twasa.’ My mind went spinning because I was like, ‘What do you mean? It couldn’t be. I don’t know if this is a thing for me,’” she said.

“It took such a long time for me to accept it – because there’s you finding out and then there’s you accepting it.”

Dineo said she was grateful to have Solo by her side because not only was he supportive, but he also understood spiritual issues enough to help keep her grounded.

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“We are black love, rooted in black spirituality. For me, when people say, ‘Oh my God, you guys are so lucky,’ I think it’s through the guidance of our ancestors.”



Alaa Hamdy

Professional entertainment content writer in Hanover, South Africa. I know all the secrets of celebrities

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