
Duduzane and Duduzile Zuma are twins but have different birthdays

Duduzane and Duduzile Zuma are twins but have different birthdays

MK Party member and Jacob Zuma’s daughter Duduzile Zuma recently opened up about her relationship with her twin, Duduzane.

Not much is known about the personal lives of former South African president and current uMkhonto weSizwe Party (MK Party) leader Jacob Zuma’s popular twin children, Duduzane and Duduzile Zuma.


For Duduzile, some classify her as a “rebel” who will give you a piece of her mind with no hesitation on social media.

Others know a bit about her marriage to businessman Lonwabo Sambudla – hence she goes by “Duduzile Zuma-Sambudla.” Also a member of the MK Party, Duduzile and Sambudla got married in 2011 and reportedly split in 2016.


Her twin, Duduzane, has also been married. The businessman tied the knot with Shanice Stork in 2015. However, ZiMoja reported in 2023 that the couple have been going through a rough patch that led to Stork moving out of their marital home in March 2021.

JULY 12, 2019. Randburg, Johannesburg. Duduzane Zuma is seen greeting staff of the court, behind a gate, at the start of The Randburg Magistrate’s Courtruling whether Duduzane Zuma, son of former President Jacob Zuma, is guilty on a charge of culpable homicide and a charge of reckless and negligent driving.”The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) initially decided not to prosecute Zuma Jnr. However, after AfriForum’s private prosecution unit had applied to privately prosecute Zuma Jnr, the NPA reversed its initial decision and instituted prosecution. Elias Maangwale, Investigator at AfriForum’s private prosecution unit, accompanied the victim’s family to court and will also act as spokesperson.” Jacob Zuma was alos present. PHOTOGRAPH: ALON SKUY

According to sources, Duduzane’s political career took its toll on their marriage. In January this year, he solidified his presidential hopes by launching his political party, All Game Changers.

Speaking to Sunday World at the time, he said: “We will move from the politics of desperation to the politics of inspiration. This we will do by creating positive and active role models. [We will also] give access to finance for those who are serious enough to take advantage of the opportunities that we will create. We are the ones who will do it. A change of mindset from a consumer mentality to a producing one. Building South Africa and Africa one brick at a time.”

Unfortunately for Duduzane, the Independent Electoral Commission of South Africa disqualified his party citing a lack of compliance with the registration processes as one of the reasons – IOL reported.


During a recent sit-down interview on The Shady PHodcast with Warras and DJ PH, Duduzile opened up about her relationship with her father and her twin brother.

An interesting fact Duduzile shared on the podcast, was that she and Duduzane may be twins but they do not share a birthday.

08 October 2019. Duduzile Zuma supporting her brother at the state capture commission of inquiry at Park town in Johannesburg. Picture: Thapelo Morebudi/The Sunday Times.

“We are twins, we shared the womb,” Duduzile revealed.

The politician added that even though she was born first, traditionally, it’s the twin who came out last who is older.

“Talking about us being twins, there’s a rare things for us because I’m born on the 19th of May and he is born on the 20th,” she explained, adding that they were born 30 minutes apart.

Duduzane and Duduzile were born to Jacob Zuma and his late wife, Kate Mantsho, in Mozambique. Their mother reportedly committed suicide in the year 2000.

Revealing more about herself, Duduzile shared that she is 42 years old and she’s proud of it. She also said that she is “married, but it’s complicated.” in addition, she sagared that she has two beautiful daughters.

Although she’s very vocal now on social media, Duduzile said that she made a conscious decision not to join any social media platform during her father’s tenure as the president.

“I was a stay-at-home mom. I was that Sandton mom,” she said.


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