
Former Broadcast Host, Ngizwe Mchunu Files Assault Charge Against EFF

Former Broadcast Host, Ngizwe Mchunu Files Assault Charge Against EFF

One of men who attacked former ‘Roots’ host Ngizwe Mchunu was reportedly identified as the EFF’s media and communications officer in KZN.

Former Ukhozi FM presenter Ngizwe Mchunu has opened a case of assault against the men who attacked him during his press briefing in Durban on Tuesday, 23 January.

Sunday World reports that the three men who stormed in while Mchunu was addressing the media are believed to be members of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF).


In a one-minute video circulating on social media, three men barge into the venue while the self-proclaimed “president of the Amabhinca Nation” is seated in front of an audience. Upon walking in, the group, who initially do not utter a word, starts vandalising the chairs and tables in front of Mchunu, who remains composed.

Amid the chaos, the former Roots presenter eventually stands up and slaps one of the men. One of the attackers who is holding a stick tries to retaliate, but Mchunu runs off.

A source told Sunday World that one of the suspects was identified as the EFF’s media and communications officer in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), Mazwi Blose.

“Ngizwe immediately rushed to the nearest police station. He identified his attackers as members of the EFF,” said a source.

“One of them is Mazwi Blose, who is the EFF spokesperson and AmaZulu Football Club supporters’ secretary-general.”

Mchunu and the EFF have been at loggerheads since the media personality’s utterances about the political party and its leader, Julius Malema, in December last year

During one of his press conferences, Mchunu “barred” Malema from launching the EFF’s manifesto in KZN. The event is scheduled for 10 February at Moses Mabhida Stadium.

“I heard you are coming to KwaZulu-Natal. I’m in charge here. I’m the border gate, ” Mchunu told Malema.

“Why don’t you host your party’s manifesto in your backyard in Seshego, so that your ancestors can support you? You are a leader who can’t speak isiZulu. The only language you know is English. You address our Zulu people in English, what [kind of] a leader are you?”

Malema hit back during the EFF’s press conference in Durban on 5 January: “They told me he is an artist or something. I don’t care what he thinks of me. He is the smallest boy ever. But even if I see him tomorrow, I will embrace him like any other African kid. I have no problem with him whatsoever.”

This was weeks after Mchunu lost his car sponsorship with JAC Motors following complaints by the EFF over what they referred to as “tribalist” comments.


However, Mchunu has not backed down.

During yet another press briefing (this time at Kwa Maimai in Johannesburg, on 9 January) he claimed his feud with Malema started when he rejected the politician’s request to campaign for his political organisation.

“Julius Malema called me into their offices where we had a private meeting. In that meeting, Julius lobbied me to join the EFF. In return he promised me the premier candidate position in KwaZulu Natal,” Mchunu said.

He continued: “I told him that I couldn’t accept his proposal upfront as I had to consult with Amabhinca Nation. That infuriated him because I asked him to host Amabhinca in Seshego but he refused.”

He further reiterated that Malema will host the manifesto in Durban “over his dead body”.


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