
Lady Du disclosed her thwarted suicide attempt from three years prior.

Lady Du disclosed her thwarted suicide attempt from three years prior.

“I was literally going through a lot in life, I became a coward!” Lady Du praises God for giving her a second chance

Three years ago Lady Du tried to take her own life, a revelation she shared with her followers on Instagram on Monday, 22 January.

The 33-year old DJ shared a picture of the woman who saved her life, thanking her for playing such an integral part of her life.

Lady Du shared her gratitude at having a second chance at life, praising God for the second chance to live her life with purpose.


“As I was praying now, it hit me 3 years ago on this day I tried taking my life, this young lady here and her sister saved my life. 

I was literally going through a lot in life, I became a coward. The reason I praise God every single day of my life and I live such a simple life is because I was given a second chance. 

In that second chance God showed up personally and changed my whole life. 

One thing I take pride in doing is thanking people that played a part in my life, she now runs my business. 

It’s nothing compared to what she did for me but may God continue to bless her.”


In her post, Lady Du shared a lesson with her followers, to not give up even when it feels like their world is falling apart because that’s when God is at work.

“If I came out strong, you can pull yourself out of it and let God direct you. The devil is always waiting to find you weak. I say this every single day I live to serve God, no one else.

I thank God every single day for saving my life. I wouldn’t be here doing such great things. 

I’m living my purpose and that’s the biggest gift.”

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