
LATEST: SkeemSaam actor Lehasa finally comes clean on his relationship with Lasizwe.


LATEST: SkeemSaam actor Lehasa finally comes clean on his relationship with Lasizwe.

Cedric Fourie, known for his role in Skeem Saam, is tired of people making assumptions about his secual orientation based on his social media posts. He recently decided to clarify the situation after a comment from a follower about his romantic life.

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In response to a comment, Fourie clarified that he is not dating Zari Hassan, a socialite, musician, and businesswoman. He also did not address previous rumors about dating YouTuber Lasizwe. Instead, he emphasized the importance of minding one’s own business and warned against spreading false information.

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Fourie stated, “Don’t make statements regarding topics that are outside of your expertise. I am a supporter of LGBTQI+ people. I’m not gay.” He urged people to back up their claims with evidence and encouraged them to educate themselves on the subject.


Alaa Hamdy

Professional entertainment content writer in Hanover, South Africa. I know all the secrets of celebrities

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