
The war between DJ Tira and Luke Ntombela is far from over.


The war between DJ Tira and Luke Ntombela is far from over.

Time is running out for Luke Ntombela, the artist who made allegations against DJ Tira, accusing him of sexual assault and unpaid debts. On Monday of last week, Ntombela received a cease and desist letter from the lawyers of DJ Tira, demanding that they put an end to their actions of tarnishing their client’s reputation and harming his brand. Ntombela better hurry up and respond to that letter before time runs out, according to ZiMoja.

“Our instructions are that retractions should be done within seven days from the date herein and the failure of which will leave our clients without an option but to seek a legal redress against your unlawful conduct to protect our client?s brand,” read the letter.


In a classic tale of an underdog taking on a titan, David (aka Luke Ntombela) has entered the ring against Goliath (aka DJ Tira). This showdown was sparked by Luke’s cleverly crafted videos and social media posts, hinting at an alleged incident where her former boss supposedly committed sexual assault and administered drugs without her consent. However, DJ Tira remains adamant that she should offer him an apology.

DJ Tira told Zimoja that he believes Ntombela is being used to destroy him and his brand. “I don?t know who she is working with and what her plan is. But I?m not going to watch someone destroy my brand that I worked hard for,” he said. Instead of apologising, last week Ntombela posted more messages where she was demanding more answers.


She wrote on her Facebook timeline on Friday, “Have you seen how I was insulted? and that?s the least of my worries right now. ..I?m crying for closure and healing to move on with life.”

Ntombela, who at some point in her career was part of Clash of the Choirs, said: “The things that make me feel bad about you are two: 1. I am explaining the damage you have done to me, but all you seem to care about is your brand. (You know tarnishing your brand was never my intention) 2. Even if I tell you that I don?t want anything from you, you don?t explain it to me, you don?t hear me…I?m crying for closure and healing to move on with life”

Ntombela shared additional screenshots of her conversations with DJ Tira. Ntombela assured Zimoja that she will address the allegations she made against DJ Tira at the appropriate moment.


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