
Tough times for former Yizo Yizo star Innocent Masuku.


Tough times for former Yizo Yizo star Innocent Masuku.

Ever since the days of Yizo Yizo and Zone 14, actor Innocent Masuku, also known as Bobo, has unfortunately struggled to find acting opportunities, which has taken a toll on his mental well-being. He mentioned that all he desired was a well-deserved opportunity to pursue his passions.

During the conversation with ZiMoja, the actor humorously described the negative effects of the lack of work opportunities on both himself and his family.”I want to be honest and say that being unemployed had hit me hard and my family as well. It has affected my mental health too, I’ve dealt with depression because of this,” he said.


He humbly mentioned that the inability to provide for himself and his family only exacerbated the situation.”Aside from my burning desire to return to the world of acting, my ultimate goal is to ensure the financial well-being of both myself and my beloved family.”

Masuku said the journey has been lonely and hard as he’s had little to no support. “Nobody has been there for me.” He concedes that one of the things that have derailed his career is his drug addiction, for which he went to rehab. “Let’s also be honest about my use of drugs, I’d say that is probably one of the things that has held my career back, but I sought help and I’m now able function. I fought the addiction by going to rehab otherwise they would have killed me,” said the actor.

He added he is now clean and able to work. “I’ve even registered with an agent just to prove how serious I am about getting my career back.” He hopes that one day someone will give him a chance to again do what he loves again.

To revive his career, he’ll have to brave the daunting world of auditions, which is no walk in the park for him.”Obviously, in my industry, we attend auditions to get work, but I haven’t been lucky even with the ones that I have attended. They are simply hard to come by, and maybe I’m not what they are looking for anymore. I understand that the industry has changed, but I haven’t lost my acting gift. I can still act,” said Masuku.


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